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We're Old, Retired -- and Apparently Invisible
“We’re too old to see.”
We had noticed a growing feeling of being unseen before, but nothing like this.
Five Strategies for Deciding When to File For Social Security
Waiting until age 70 to file for Social Security retirement benefits is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk that you’ll run out of money in your later years. But in some instances, filing for benefits at your full retirement age (FRA) or even earlier could provide more financial security for you and your family. And some retirees may find that filing early will significantly improve their quality of life.
Retiring Before 65? Make Sure to Know Your Healthcare Options.
Retiring before 65, whether by design or dictated by circumstance, is a reality for many Americans. And health insurance for these early retirees is often more costly than they think—and a reality check.
IRS Plans To Increase Audit Rates of Wealthy Taxpayers by 50%
The Internal Revenue Service detailed its plans Thursday to significantly ramp up audit rates of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations…
Quitclaim Deed Fraud Pervasive in Region With Few Consequences
A judge ruled that one woman’s Dayton property was stolen from her through quitclaim fraud, but the judge decided she won’t get the building back because the people who bought it from the alleged fraudsters are also victims.
Seeking Student-Loan Relief? Here Are 6 Options to Consider.
For the 43.2 million student-loan borrowers owing a collective $1.6 trillion, holding out for broad-based forgiveness from the government may not be the wisest strategy. It has already been shot down by the courts and even smaller-scale efforts to resurrect the plan are ripe for challenge.