Tax Tip of the Week | April 4, 2018 | No. 454 | New Tax Law (TCJA) - How It Will Affect Alimony Payments

These new changes take effect for divorces and legal separations
after 2018.
Prior law: Under the current rules, an individual who pays alimony can deduct the alimony or separate maintenance payments paid during the years as an “above the line” deduction. An “above-the-line” deduction is a deduction that a taxpayer need not itemize to deduct. These deductions are more valuable than an itemized deduction.And, under current rules, alimony and separate maintenance payments are taxable to the recipient spouse.Please note that the rules for “child support”—remain unchanged. Payers of child support don’t receive a taxable deduction. Recipients of child support don’t pay tax on those amounts.
New law: A tax deduction for alimony no longer exists for the payor. Also, alimony is no longer taxable income to the recipient. So, for divorces and legal separations that are executed
after 2018, the alimony-paying spouse will no longer be able to deduct these payments and the alimony-receiving spouse doesn’t include the payments in gross income.Note: TCJA rules are not applicable to existing divorces and separations. It’s important to emphasize that the current rules continue to apply to already-existing divorces and separations, as well as divorces and separations that are executed
before 2019.Under a special rule, if taxpayers have an existing (pre-2019) divorce or separation decree, and that agreement is legally modified, then the new rules don’t apply to that modified decree, unless the new agreement
expressly states that the TCJA rules are to apply. Situations may exist where applying the TCJA rules voluntarily is advantageous for the taxpayers.If you wish to discuss the impact of these rules on your particular situation, please give us a call.Thank you for all of your questions, comments and suggestions for future topics. As always, they are very much appreciated. We may be reached in Dayton at 937-436-3133 and in Xenia at 937-372-3504. Or visit our
This week's author – Mark Bradstreet, CPA--until next week.