2017 is coming to a close with sweeping new tax legislation on the horizon. While the changes don’t take effect until 2018. We want to alert you to some steps you might take before year-end to preserve the best possible tax results.As you explore these ideas, mostly you will find they contain a common and time-tested theme: where possible, defer income and accelerate the payment of deductible expenses. The reason for relying on this oldest of strategies is because ordinary income tax rates should be lower next year and many expenses will either no longer be deductible or will be less valuable in light of higher standard deductions in 2018.1.
Maximize retirement deferrals. Be sure to fully fund your 401(k) and/or IRA to further reduce gross income for 2017. We can further discuss during the tax season fully funding 2017 SEPs and other retirement accounts that can be funded up to April 15 (or later).2.
Business owners and consultants should delay billing. It isn’t proper to simply delay depositing checks received before year-end, but you generally won’t be paid for amounts you haven’t billed. Shift that mid- to late-December billing out until January 1 (for cash basis taxpayers).3.
Prepay state income tax. This deduction may be eliminated beginning in 2018, so pay the fourth quarter estimate that is dated January 2018 by December 31, 2017. This strategy, however, requires that you know your status regarding alternative minimum tax (AMT). If you will be subject to AMT in 2017, it is likely that prepaying your state taxes will not reduce your 2017 taxes. In that case, with no benefit in either year, it makes better financial sense to make the payment later.4.
Prepay property taxes. The deduction for property taxes is likely to be limited to $10,000 beginning in 2018. To the extent that you already have an assessment that isn’t due until after the first of next year, pay it by December 31. For taxpayers with high property tax bills and other large deductions such as mortgage interest and contributions, accelerating the 2018 property tax payment into 2017 may save a deduction due to disappear next year. Mid-range taxpayers may need a projection to see if this makes sense. And here again, the strategy won’t work for those in AMT in 2017.5.
Bunching strategies. With the standard deductions possibly doubling in 2018, lower itemizers will need to begin to incorporate strategies to bunch deductible expenses every other year to “pop up” over the standard deduction and preserve tax benefits. In this case, you might warn your favorite charities as you contribute this year-end that your next contribution might not occur until January 2019. In that way, you can make double contributions at the beginning and end of 2019 to achieve deductions above the standard deduction that year.6.
Make donations directly from IRA. If you are 70½ or older but your donations do not bring you over the new higher standard deduction, make those donations directly from your IRA as a custodial transfer.7.
Delay business asset acquisition. First-year bonus depreciation for brand new assets may be 100% in 2018 (up from 50% in 2017). You may want to delay capital expenditures to take advantage of the more complete write-off on the acquisition.8.
Complete trade-ins of business equipment, machinery, and autos before year-end. Section 1031 like-kind exchanges will only be available on real property beginning in 2018. If you have other business assets with low or no basis that you were considering trading in on the purchase of new, complete the transaction and place the new assets in service before year-end if possible.9.
Complete large capital gains sales and prepay the state tax. You may want to accelerate this type of income into 2017 as long as it is accompanied by the payment of state tax. With capital gains rates remaining virtually the same under the new law, the net after-tax result can be better this year.Individual situations are unique, and there are no one-size-fits-all tax planning strategies. If you would like to discuss these or other ideas that apply to your particular circumstances, please feel free to contact us.With respect and encouragement,The Staff at Bradstreet, CPAsYou can contact us in Dayton at 937-436-3133 and in Xenia at 937-372-3504. Or visit our website.…until next week.