Tax Tip of the Week | February 17, 2016 | No. 342 | 2016 Filing Deadlines

The tax season is a little bit longer this year...As you know, your federal and state tax returns are generally due on April 15th of each year. For 2015 returns, however, you get a few extra days.The deadline for 2015 returns is April 18, 2016. This is because Washington, D.C. will celebrate their Emancipation Day holiday on Friday April 15, 2016. This pushes the deadline to the following Monday for most of the nation. (Due to Patriots Day, the deadline will be Tuesday, April 19, for Maine and Massachusetts residents.)(The change from the normal Friday deadline date to the following Monday also means our office will be open one additional weekend—we will so look forward to that!)In addition to observance of these local holidays, 2016 is also a Leap Year. This adds another day in February.So use your four extra days wisely in 2016 to meet your filing deadline on time!You can contact us in Dayton at 937-436-3133 and in Xenia at 937-372-3504. Or visit our
website.Rick Prewitt – the guy behind TTW...until next week.