Tax Tip of the Week | January 20, 2016 | No. 338 | Changes Coming to W-2, 1099 and 1095 Forms - Part 2

Pretty soon you will start to receive your year-end tax documents. This year, you need to be prepared for some new forms and new looks to old forms. Last week we looked at changes required for compliance of the Affordable Care Act and W-2s. In this article, we will look at changes required for 1099s.
1099 and Related Form Changes1096 - Compilation sheet that shows the totals of the information returns that you are physically mailing to the IRS. The check box for Form 1099-H was removed from line 6, while a check box for Form 1098-Q was added to line 6. The spacing for all check boxes on line 6 was expanded. The amounts reported in Box 13 of Form 1099-INT should now be included in box 5 of Form 1096 when filing Form 1099-INT with the IRS.1098-C – This form is for contributions of motor vehicles, boats, and airplanes. A donee organization must file a separate Form 1098-C with the IRS for each contribution of a qualified vehicle that has a claimed value of more than $500. All filers of this form may truncate a donor’s identification number (social security number, individual taxpayer identification number, adoption taxpayer identification number, or employer identification number), on written acknowledgements. Truncation is not allowed, however, on any documents the filer files with the IRS.1099-B – This form is issued by a broker or barter exchange that summarizes the proceeds of transactions. For a sale of a debt instrument that is a wash sale and has accrued market discount, enter code “W” in box 1f and the amount of the wash sale loss disallowed in box 1g.1099-DIV – This form is issued to those who have received dividends from stocks. A new check box was added to this form to identify a foreign financial institution filing this form to satisfy its chapter 4 reporting requirement.1099-INT – This form is used to report interest income from banks and other financial institutions. Box 13 was added to report bond premium on tax-exempt bonds. All later boxes were renumbered. A new check box was added to this form to identify a foreign financial institution filing this form to satisfy its chapter 4 reporting requirement.1099-K – This form is given to those merchants accepting payment card transactions. Completion of box 1b (Card Not Present transactions) is now mandatory for 2015.1099-MISC – This form reports the total paid during the year to a single person or entity for services provided. Certain Medicaid waiver payments may be excludable from the income as difficulty of care payments. A new check box was added to this form to identify a foreign financial institution filing this form to satisfy its chapter 4 reporting requirement.You can contact us in Dayton at 937-436-3133 and in Xenia at 937-372-3504. Or visit our
website.Rick Prewitt – the guy behind TTW...until next week.