Tax Tip of the Week | Sept 17, 2014 | No. 268 | Taxpayers' Income Hit $9.1T in 2012Here is a recent article I read....

U.S. taxpayers reported $9.1 trillion in adjusted gross income (less deficit) for tax year 2012, according to the most recent IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin.
Statistics of Income – 2012, Individual Income Tax Returns, which was released on Friday, reported that taxpayers filed 144.9 million individual tax returns for 2012, down 0.3 percent from 2011. The AGI less deficit of $9.1 trillion represents an 8.7 percent increase from the previous year.The SOI includes estimates on sources of income, AGI, exemptions, deductions, taxable income and more.The report, Publication 1304, is available for download on the
IRS Tax Stats page.
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